Title A Great Investment Opportunity, near Yambol
Reference No 8
Anyone up for Renovation? A great investment, with the house being only £3000, you can make it the most modern house in area! This is a cheap, solid, good size property, two storey, on the main road of Yambol to Elhovo. First floor has a kitchen, bathroom/WC, living room, balcony, internal staircase leading to second floor- entrance, three bedrooms and balcony. Garden is 2000 square metre. 25 kilometres from Yambol, 15 kilometres from Elhovo.
Area Yambol
Type Villa/House
Bedrooms 3
Land Area 2000 sqr/m
Price £ 3,000
Top Offer YES

Structual Condition NO
Intarnal Bathroom YES
Intarnal Stairs YES
Kitchen YES
Water Connection YES
Electric Connection YES
Outbuildings NO
Pool NO
Garage NO
Medical YES
Groceries YES
Educational YES
Post Office YES
Place to Eat or Drink NO
Nearst Town 15 KM
Nearst Airport 90 KM
Nearst Skilling n/a
Nearst Coast 90 KM